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One-of-a-Kind Gaming Experience
Use WarpTable to connect with others to play games you already owns – all you need is a web camera! Warp shows the other player’s game pieces in ultra-high resolution on your screen in the same relative position and orientation they were played. WarpTable uses your web camera and computer vision AI technology to recognize your cards and display them on your opponent’s screen in high definition.
Location is No Longer a Barrier! With WarpTable, You Can Play Your Favorite Card Based Games with Your Own Deck.
Mechanically semi-compatible with games with a strong spatial component
Tile and worker placement games
Currently mechanically compatible with:
Collectable Card Games
Trading Card Games
Living Card Games
Currently Incompatible:
Currently incompatible with games requiring miniatures.
Mechanically compatible, with minor modification:
Deckbuilding games
Games are owned by their respective trademark holders.
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